Arthur Petherbridge
Founder + Trainer
I'm a believer in not being an expert but in being a student. To experience what the world has to offer us with an open mind, willing to be wrong, and hoping to get a little more clued up every day.
I've done many things over the years but none more grounding than hunting my own dinner. None more fulfilling than spending meaningful time in the woods or on the margins of fields. This is what I live for.
In my professional career, I run a business building cabins and studios, I manage woodlands and deer, and am proud to work as one of the Hunter Gather Cook team. My work is diverse and challenging, and I am thankful for it as it compliments my hunting abilities and opportunities.
I grew up as a vegetarian in London, and quite literally muddled my way through “country life” for a while until I began to get the hang of things. Always on the hunt to learn new skills, I just fell into hunting and loved everything about it - other than how hard it was to get in to.
Now with my DSC2 qualification and a few good seasons under my belt, I’m looking for new challenges and to help others also access amazing wild meat and meaningful time in the great outdoors.
As a passionate outdoorsman, I want others to have this too. With my diverse training and experience, I felt I had more to offer, so founded The Wild Order. The Wild Order is a new venture and I hope it thrills others as much as it does me.
Matt Moss
I don’t really have a definition of what my hobbies are and what my work life consists of. It all seems to merge into one. I have been involved in forestry and hunting for what seems like an age. I divide my time between hunting, training professional forestry certification, providing deer management consultancy and working in commercial forestry.
My path to hunting was paved by my love and passion for the ancient woodlands of where I live. These areas, though small, are filled with life. There is a vast array of flora and fauna to explore but there is also a deeper resonance of our historic human past. On a personal level hunting allows me to connect the dots. It reveals, for brief moments, these interconnections between us and our place in nature. This ‘nature awareness’ is something I like to integrate into my daily life and share these experiences with others.
Alex Catt
Photographer + Crew
I’m a photographer, leatherworker and food enthusiast with a love of the great outdoors. After growing up in the New Forest and now living in Sussex, deer have always been on the periphery for me. They have been an ever-present part of my life, but one I didn’t think I would be able to gain a meaningful connection to beyond fleeting forest glimpses or through the lens of a camera or binoculars.
By meeting Arthur and Matt I’ve been able to get closer to deer, shadowing them on stalks, observing and of course cooking and eating this great ethical source of meat.
The hunting world seems incredibly hard to access from the outside, but luckily I have had an opportunity and this is something I’m looking forward to sharing with other people through working on courses with The Wild Order.